Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I am sick and tired. My cold is getting worse and worse. I spent the entire weekend laying around the house or sleeping. I'm on the heavy duty meds you have to get from behind the pharmacy. I can't seem to kick this cold!

I'm still lifting weight (exception of this weekend) and doing my power walks. Today was the first time we ran in a week. We both had to quit because of RB's back and my running form (in which I was leaning over as I ran) I have not done my 3x a week cardio at the gym in a week.

I'm still the same weight. (as far as I can see, because the scale is a blur without contacts in the am) I don't feel like I'm eating much at all. I have the protein shakes after Power walks and lifting. Last night I barely got down some chicken. I'm eating pretzels because they scratch my throat.

All I want to do is lay in bed all day. That's not possible when you have three children.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

whine, whine, whine

I love my husband, I really do. Though he can get pouty on me.

Last night I told him I didn't think I was up for trap shooting tomorrow. You would of thought I said "i'm not planning on having any sex for the rest of the month" (yes, it was September 23rd) A lot of "why's", "I'll let you wear my vest" blah, blah, blah. I'm like "Look at me!" (shoulder/arm) "yeah, that is pretty bad" insert excuses again. So I'm going. He thinks we are going on Sunday also, but I'm out. Once a week is enough. It's horribly humid here, so I'm in tank tops and I look like a battered woman (a one sided one at that) I'm tired of explaining to horrified friends the story.

I'm debating on getting back into the pool in a couple of weeks. My upper-body weight training is going well. I think I need more delts and shoulder lifting to get a really good swim workout.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

yeah, it's serious

when you google "can you exercise with a head cold" and "is exercise good for you when you have a cold". I learned that as long as there is no fever and the cold is above the neck go for it. So I did. Upper body weight training and fat burning on the eliptical machine. The latter is hard because I want to push myself into a heaving breathing frenzy. I can't do that and keep my heartrate around 120. I feel like a loser on the machine. Usually after 30 minutes I go to the treadmill and do 10 minutes of 8:34 sprints and 15 min rest/walks. Today my heart wasn't into it because I don't think the gym approves of hacking coughs and lugies.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Could it be

That I have PMS? (see former post) I think I might after what I did last night.

To make a long story short...during my children's swim team practice I went onto the pool deck (a NO-NO) and asked the lane coach why my daughter was moved to a slow lane. Usually I would let it go and wait a week and then inquire. I stewed for 20 minutes until I couldn't take it anymore (and analyzed the children in the faster lane) and then I confronted (in a non-threatning manner) the coach. I don't buy her expanation...basically the "slow" lane kids just do mechanics. My daughter has her stroke down. I want her to get endurance and speed. Anyhow I've made my point. (and probably an ass out of myself, because I don't want to be THAT mom)

That's the thing with Uterine Ablation, I have no idea when I would of gotton my period. Not that I'm complaining about not having that anymore.

Figured out why my walk/run yesterday was so "off". I was dehydrated from Sunday. I think I had two large glasses of water Sunday. The rest was diet soda and wine. Not good.

Today's power walk/run was much better. We are at a fast pace on our run portion. I'm keeping up with RB#1 and I assume she knows we are running faster than 9 min miles. She is in much better shape than myself and is obsessed. I understand because I've been there. Her training (she has a trainer) is really intense. Too intense that I can't even go there.

Oh and my husband got paid this morning. Now I can pay bills and go grocery shopping. Fun! I'll do that after I do some lower body leg training. I want my jeans just a little bit tighter! :)

Monday, September 21, 2009


I am frustrated because:

the two pounds I lost Friday have come back plus 1.

I put the shotgun in the "wrong pocket" and I have two huge bruises to show for it. I can't do any weight training with muscles involving the chest.

My husband's company (Fortune 500) messed up his paycheck Friday. By "messed-up" I mean they didn't pay him. We are still waiting. We have 14.92 in our checking account.

That my weekend was screwed because my husband insisted we go to a 7 year old's b-day party because they were watching college football. (aka ... free beer). Of course we couldn't buy child a gift because we had no money. (I don't like to use credit cards) I don't care about college football and I'm done with drinking in the afternoon (like 5+ years ago)

We have ants again.

I have a cold.

My powerwalk/run this morning pretty much sucked.

My jeans were tight this morning (yeah, yeah...new muscles)

My arms look like my Italian grandmother's. That is not a good thing.

Let's hope tomorrow is a better day.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Trap shooting and Mainstreaming

I'm getting better!! Sunday I hit 3 of 25. Last night 11 of 25!

I learned that: my husband (like myself) is not a good teacher, that I canNOT wink or close one eye AT ALL, and that I prefer a trap gun over a field gun. The latter might not be true because I used the first two lessons on my last "go-around". When we originally got there I went to the practice stand and missed every damn one. Finally Joe goes "are you closing one eye?" Oh, yeah....forgot that rule. Then I hit one.

While waiting for the practice run to re-open a group of guys need a 5th person. The owner said I could go so WTF, I told them as long as they didn't mind my suckage I would join. Ron (owner) asked if I wanted to use the gun that he has for sale. "Sure". He showed me how it worked then told me to hold it. "No, no, no, no!" I'm standing all wrong, and leaning the opposite way. He fixed that in 2 minutes, I taped bandaids on the left eye of the safety glasses(very vogue...I'm buying an eye-patch for next time) and went to shoot. Later Joe said I looked "hot" up there so it works! I really want my own trap gun though. *sigh*..

David has a child with Asperger's Syndrome in his class. (my friend works with the mother) The experiment is failing. Everyday I get a new story about how "T" has kicked someone in the head, pulled scissors on some kid, threatened death on another, and/or hit someone.. T has been sent to the principals office several times, and is in time-out on a daily basis. This is kindergarten. T is being main-streamed. I think T needs to go to the Autistic School in our state for a year (or 2). T's parents are meeting with the Advisory Committee next week. T's mother says they "have to" let him stay because he's testing off the chart (IQ wise) Social interaction wise he is failing (in my mind). I understand her dilemma. I would fight for my child if he/she were like T. Though I have to think of my own child in that class. He's not learning because the teacher is focused on T. Is that fair to the other 22 students?

My old boss has a son that is on the autistic scale (lower end) He went to the Autism School for 3 years and is now being mainstreamed. He is in a class with two teachers (one works with the "special" children...if that's not PC I don't know another way to put it) and so far is doing great. He's in 2nd grade and loves school. I hope T's mother will explore this option.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

just stuff

I'm not getting on the scale because I'm building muscle and I know the scale is not my friend anymore.

All the serious musclular people work out around 10pm at the Y.

Some girls who have no body fat (or muscle tone that I can see for that matter) can lift a large amount of weight. Though not for reps of 15 and sets of 3.

I think my left deltoid is messed up.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One, Two, Three

Workout #1. Powerwalk, run, sprint for 40 minutes. Refuse to sprint downhills. Shins did not hurt today. Yea!

Workout #2. 35 minutes upper body weight training. Let's hope arms don't turn to useless jelly limbs tomorrow.

Workout #3. Move an old heavy persian carpet from underneath a king size metal bed that has 8 floor supports ( why ???) with a NASA engineered foam mattress on top. ALL BY MYSELF

Workout #3 produced more sweat than 1 and 2 combined.

I should thank my husband for workout #3 because he liked the discusting yellow and white persian carpet and didn't want to help me move it. Thank you sweetie!

Monday, September 14, 2009

shakes and shins

So, I've discovered protein shakes. RB #1 and #2 drink these shakes in the morning or after intense exercise. RB#2 made me one after our run on Saturday (her first ever 5k) and it was like drinking vanilla and peanut butter icecream. She gave me a chocolate one for later which I had this morning after my 45 minute PW/R. It tasted like cake batter. It's my new obsession. It will be perfect for my 3pm snack. I can't get enough food in me at 3pm. This should hit the spot.

My poor shins. The past two runs I have had intense shin pain. I almost thought I put on an old pair of sneakers (since Brooks doesn't change the colors by much every year) . I couldn't attempt any sprints. It looks like I will have to do some sort of stretching before runs. I used to do a lot of stretching in the day (2 years ago) but have been lazy lately because I was so used to only power walks.

My arms are no longer in pain. I worked those out last Wednesday and the pain finally went away today. It seems I will be forced to drink a protein shake after my arm training on Tuesday. Poor me, ha!

Husband is sooo excited I am into trap shooting. I thought I would be cramping his style, but he loves it. We went again on Sunday. Another range which was basically inhabited by white trash. Luckily my group was cool. I hit the first three out then missed the other 22. Though these were going all different ways which I was not expecting. Someone should of given me a heads up on that one. Someone like my husband.

I'm getting my "pull" measured at the local gun shop. (which is nowhere near my house) Not sure why, just to know I guess. I can't afford a shot-gun. Maybe Santa can bring me one. I wish he would bring me a bow and arrow. I've been watching too much Robin Hood on the BBC lately.

Diet is good. Lost 2 lbs this past week. Everything feels tighter which honestly makes me happier than the scale going down.

Friday, September 11, 2009


So, I've added weight training to my repitore. I worked out my arms on Wednesday and legs on Thursday. Let's just say my legs are fine and my arms (especially triceps) are in firery, pounding, pain. Once the pain is gone and I build up some muscle I'm going to add swimming to my schedule. Right now I don't think I could do a lap of freestyle if you paid me.

Last night I went trap shooting with my husband. He's been bugging me for over a year. What fun! I started with a 20 guage and a small load. First shot out I hit the target dead center. Which is pretty amazing since I didn't even see the target and I just kinda shot the gun because someone said "pull". I learned how to hold a gun, which is a lot like learning how to golf, it takes a while. After that I missed most of the targets. My instructor left and then it was me and my husband. I got tired (of missing) and he took my gun and began shooting. Hubby was about 60% on the targets. He switched to his 12 guage and a large load he hit every target. Hmmmm, maybe my gun sucks. I tried his. Aaaa haaa loved it. Hit 60% of the next 10 targets. For some reason watching my hubby kick ass with the gun I decided he is the hottest sexiest man around. Oh and yes, I'm going back next week because it was too much fun. I would love to learn bow and arrow, but until my arms work again that will have to wait.

Diet is going well. I'm taking a rest day from exercising today. Hope to get a 3 mile run in tomorrow if this drenching rain ever stops.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Gym bag packed. Check.
Look for job. Check.
Go to gym. Check.
Get dressed in gym clothes. Check.
Put left shoe on. Check.
Pick up right shoe. Check.
Right shoe is a left shoe and it is my 10 year old daughters shoe. Scream ARGH. Check.
Look at fat bottom half in gym mirrow. Home mirrow is much more forgiving.
Go home. Check.
Hope to get a PWalk/run/sprint in tonight.

Another day in the M household. Check.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

I Partook

•partake - (formal) To take part in an activity; to participate; To share (of)

Year 1990 approx value $500+ per bottle. We (22) shared a magnum of that absoultely fantastic, out-of-this-world, bountiful, silk like, etc, etc, etc wine. We also drank Penfolds Grange (1991) which was fantastic and several (8) other incredible bottles of wine. I wish my wine steward of sister-in-law would turn 50 more often. The food was A-list. Who would of thought a plate lined with cantaloupes, topped with arugula, bacon, fried sweet potato balls with a tangy dressing would be the best salad I have ever tasted. Don't even get me started on the beef tenderloin.

Yeah, I basically said "screw the diet!"

I even power walked, ran and sprinted for 45 minutes this morning.

So far a very good weekend.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Thursday was not really a good day. I was eating chex-mix out of the box around 9:30 p.m. Probably because I skipped dinner. Lesson learned.

My Optomotrist lowered my perscription. I found that out after driving around doing errands and not seeing that well. The bifocal contacts don't really work on the computer or looking at my cell phone for phone numbers either. I'm hoping they will just change my perscription to the old one and forget about it. Obviously it's time for a new optomotrist in two years.

Did not walk/run yesterday. Just did some digging on my path. Then my neighbor came over with a little back hoe and asked why I didn't tell him I was digging a path. He could of dug it out in less than 20 min. Like how the heck am I to know that he is renting a little hoe for the week. He did dig out an old tree stump for me though.

Oh and.....yes, we sold that big ugly pick-up truck! $200. Something called the drive shaft was hanging off and they had to supply the battery to get it started. I guess the drive shaft was pretty important because while trying to back it up some guy had to look under the truck while the other guy put the p/u in various gears. Nice. I'm just glad it's gone and now we pay off our dental balance.

Jennifer, if we had a boat ....well read my comment on the last post! I have no suggestions.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Day 4

I have POWER walked, run and sprinted for 4 days straight. (3.83 miles in 45 minutes, hills included) I have spent 2 days digging a 90 sq. ft path seven inches deep. For a partial first week I think that's pretty good. I have lost 2lbs.

Yesterday I drank over 80oz of water. I've noticed my skin looks much healthier.

I also found out that I need BI-FOCAL's! I now have a pair of bi-focal contacts. Now I can read and see distance when I wear contacts. Hurray for me.

My husband informed me this morning he is selling that old ass p/u truck I mention a few months back. Will only get a few $100 for it, but at this point I don't care. I was going to buy a new battery for it today, but I think whatever is wrong with it is more than a battery. I think hubby knew this, but didn't think I would ever actually try to fix the truck. Did he really think I would allow the truck to spend another year sitting in our driveway with last years dead xmas tree in it? Seriously?


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Day 2

Food yesterday: Good. Not great, but good. I can't have a different dinner than my family. I ate half my normal portions. Which included mashed potatos. (hubby made dinner for us!)

Did another power walk and run with friend. Increased the run (my suggestion). The run felt great. No real struggling. We both kept pace with each other. We did a sprint at the end. Usually she kicks my ass. She still did, but I had her in the beginning and in the middle she caught me and went about 20 yds further than I did. We have set up a plan for today to increase the run even further. Goal...to beat her in the sprint. She knows me, and is patiently waiting for this.

Anxiety and Stress: One of the things that relieves my anxiety/depression is working in the yard. I found this out when I created a small garden path through our vegetable garden. I've taken on a much bigger project. I'm creating a brick and sand path to our back door from our driveway. Like the garden path no one is helping me. (husband and my father, who basically lives here anymore) Actually they look at me like I'm nuts. That pisses me off a bit. Since it pisses me off I will work harder. Since the gym is closed I'm putting this into the category of upper body work for the week. Pictures to follow.