I don't know if that is the right title. Maybe it should read "moms whose only goal in life is to have a popular daughter"
I'm not going to write about my dealings with the popular girls. I went to an all girls Catholic high school and we had popular girls (snobs). To this day one of them is still a bitch to me. Seriously. That's another post. Pretty funny/idiotic too.
There is a mom in my neighborhood whose dream, ambitions and life is to make known to all who will listen that her daughter is sooooo popular. The child in question is 10.
The mother's children are always allowed to hang out with the adults at our get togethers. It is encouraged for the 10 year old to hang out with us all night. Do you know how much this gets on my nerves? On all of our nerves? The last get together it was 3 couples. The adults were eating sushi and the children had pizza. We went into the dining room and the 10 year old followed us. Now I'm thinking the mother will send her into the kitchen with the other kids to eat her pizza. Nope. "C sit down with us" (huh?) As adults we knock around all sorts of topics. Sometimes things get out of control. Fun out of control. I will let you know most of the conversation was about C and how popular she was, she had a boyfriend, she was the trend setter, she was the "it" girl, her old friends were jealous of her, need I go on? Yes the child was there to hear all about her awesomeness. At one point we were talking about a scuba diving trip one of the couples were taking. Somehow someone mentioned "muff diving" Someone else went with that and the laughs started. That is until I pointed out that a 10 year old was at the table. Conversation over.
The child has been with the ladies when we have talked about blow jobs. Yes, we are that type of neighborhood. Yes there has always been alcohol when these conversations get going. I have always been the one to let them know a child was there.
She has been there during the following conversations:
When C rides her bike in the neighborhood next door all the kids get on the phone and say "C is here, C is here" They all run out of their house and get on their bikes and ride around her. Did I mention that the front of the houses face the street? I never knew kids to hang out in their living rooms and dining rooms. When we ride our bikes there, kids are all around. Does this make my 3 children popular? No it does not.
All the kids (at the middle school) are talking about C going into middle school next year. They all know her and can't wait for her to be the "it" girl in the middle school. Imagine that. You can't? Neither can I.
She had to have her "baby" room done over because she is 10. Purple walls and butterflies hanging from the ceiling is babyish. She is getting "cool" bed linens, chair rail, crown molding, "cool" area rug blah, blah, blah. I'm painting my 9 year's old room lavender this weekend. I must not be cool.
She sets the trend in clothing at school. Her mom only shops at Abercrombie and Fitch. The child has Ugg boots. (they cost a min of $100) I'm sure her's are more expensive than that.
The 10 year old is a nice child. A very nice girl. She is pretty. Think a young Kati3 Holm3s. She is not snobby or mean. I hope she stays a nice girl.
Her mother is very competitive. The mother will call other mom's to get the deal on their children's grades. Her daughter has always done better. Last year C was in 7 activities at one time. This year when I mentioned that I was driving , carpooling 4 days a week, she was the better mom b/c her children were in no activities and they got good grades and ate dinner together every night. See you can't win.
The youngest girl (5) can gyrate like an 18 year old. It's disturbing.
The middle child is popular too. Her friends fight over her. Julia's friends fight over her too. She is not popular because of this.
This mother's children (10,9,5) know all about sex. I mean everything. (how to do IT!) Seems her husband leaves condom wrappers around. The kids know she had sex the night before. That's nice, right? She is their best friend and vice versa.
This mother needs a serious reality check.
My goal for my daughter (and boys) is not to be popular. If they were we would deal with it. I know my daughter isn't going to be popular. She isn't into that stuff. She doesn't seem to be interested in boys or the cool things. I'm assuming the cool things are Hannah Montana. My daughter doesn't get that. You know what? That is so cool to me. I'm amazed when my daughter brushes her hair in the morning without me telling her. Low maintence daughter. Could I ask for anything more? Well a low maintenence son would be nice.
I don't want my kids to grow up fast. Life gets harder as you grow up. The innocence is lost. I'm excited that Julia has not even shown any puberty signs. If she's like me and is built like a boy until the age of 15, hip-hip-hooray. The later the better.
I'd take a goof ball, silly laughing, crazy child over a popular child anyday of the week. I'd still love a popular child, but there would be some serious reality checks going on the home if I had one.